Key Learning So Far

  • Understand the side effects, if any, of the drugs you'll be taking after surgery - especially possible withdrawl symptoms
  • Make sure whoever picks you from the hospital brings a paper and pen to take key notes from the nurse discharging you
  • If you have a job, organize your STD (Short Term Disability) as much as possible before surgery

Pain Chart - Post Surgery

Pain Chart - Post Surgery

Friday, January 25, 2008

Pre Surgery - Pre Surgery Testing

Prior to surgery itself I had to provide the following diagnostic information:-
  • Cardiac consent (This necessitated a EKG and in my case an echo cardiogram - due to prior heart surgery)
  • PCP (Primary Care Physician - my family doctor) consent (This included a physical exam and some blood work)
  • Neuro surgical consent (This necessitated a visit with one of Dr V's assistants, running through a series of tests and signing a surgical consent form)
  • Pre Surgery testing (This included visiting the Pre Surgery department of the hosptial I was having surgery at - BCH (Boulder Community Hospital) - and having some extra blood work done, an additional chest x-ray and a "walk through" of what would happen on the day of surgery, including what I would need to do the day before surgery)
The cardiac consent, EKG and echo cardiogram were faxed to the Pre-Surgery department, as was the PCP consent letter and the blood results.

Below is an MRI scan of my back, prior to surgery. I've added some comments to it:-

(MRI courtesy of Boulder Community Hospital)

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