Key Learning So Far
- Understand the side effects, if any, of the drugs you'll be taking after surgery - especially possible withdrawl symptoms
- Make sure whoever picks you from the hospital brings a paper and pen to take key notes from the nurse discharging you
- If you have a job, organize your STD (Short Term Disability) as much as possible before surgery
Pain Chart - Post Surgery

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Post Surgery - Day 2
While I did get a better nights sleep last night, I did wake a few times in the night and noticed that I was sweating quite profusely - again I decided to put this down to my body fighting the pain.
We set the alarm for 2.30am to take the painkiller pills and make sure I had some crackers and water nearby.
Around 8.30am this morning, I finally had my first bowel movement. It was slightly painful, but was most definitely loose.
"When it rain it pours" , bowel movement #2 around 9.30am.
My back is definitely a lot soarer today than yesterday. I did manage to get a few 2-3 hour power naps in today and did the same 10 minute walk.
Spent most of the day either walking around, sitting on the couch and writing this blog or sleeping in bed.
Since my initial bowel movement was pretty painful, I decided to take less prune juice today.
I took my first shower today - unfortunately limited to 3-4minutes as per the nurses request - but felt good. Actually managed to read in bed for a while before taking my last dosage of pills