Key Learning So Far

  • Understand the side effects, if any, of the drugs you'll be taking after surgery - especially possible withdrawl symptoms
  • Make sure whoever picks you from the hospital brings a paper and pen to take key notes from the nurse discharging you
  • If you have a job, organize your STD (Short Term Disability) as much as possible before surgery

Pain Chart - Post Surgery

Pain Chart - Post Surgery

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Post Surgery - Day 3

Pain Rating:

I woke up 4-5 times last night to urinate and noticed that I was sweating quite a lot as well. I continue to wake around 2.30am to take the painkillers, with crackers and water.

My back feels a little better this morning. My wife made the whole family a full English breakfast (bacon, eggs, sausages, toast, beans), which went down a treat. I also took one glass of prune juice.

Spent a couple of hour during the day taking power naps. Since there still hasn't been a bowel movement since yesterday morning, I'm taking an extra glass of prune juice today.

I continue taking the prescribed dosage of pills throughout the day.

Temperatures were in the 60's today, so went for a very pleasant, albeit slow, 10 minute walk. Since I didn't feel a lot of discomfort during the walk, I decided to repeat the walk later that day.

Took another glass of prune juice before bed , along with my assortment of pills.

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