Key Learning So Far

  • Understand the side effects, if any, of the drugs you'll be taking after surgery - especially possible withdrawl symptoms
  • Make sure whoever picks you from the hospital brings a paper and pen to take key notes from the nurse discharging you
  • If you have a job, organize your STD (Short Term Disability) as much as possible before surgery

Pain Chart - Post Surgery

Pain Chart - Post Surgery

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Post Survey - Date 182 (Week 26)

Pain Rating:

The X-Rays following my 6 month visit to the surgeon were finally sent to me and I've posted them underneath.

All in all the visit went very well.

6 months after surgery my back continues to improve. While there are the occasional bad days, they are few and far between and the pain is no longer as acute. In general, I'm feeling more confident about my back . I continue to swim and bike weekly and now manage to run 40 minutes at a time.

Here are the X-rays:-

(AP- X-Ray courtesy of BCH)

(Hyper Extension X-Ray courtesy of BCH)

(Hyper Flexion - X-Ray courtesy of BCH)

(Neutral- X-Ray courtesy of BCH)

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